Innovative Classroom furniture has a key impact on learning.
Exciting, up to date environments enhance engagement, improve learning. They still need to be created within a realistic budget and to be flexible.
You may have seen helpful individual items, such as wedge shaped tables, easily (and quietly) moveable on one caster, or desks designed to double up as ipad holders.
Improved manufacturing has helped increase choice. Stacking chairs which don’t feel like stacking chairs, ultra durable edging and surfaces on desks, funky colours.
The secret is drawing together each of the elements you need, in the space you have. Understanding the requirements of staff and how they teach, bringing classrooms to life through imaginative design and innovative classroom furniture.
Using Innovative Classroom Furniture to Maximise Space
There are occasionally times when we see classrooms which are oversized, needing design solutions of their own. More often, the need is to house thirty students in a classroom built for twenty.

Added to this could be space for wheelchair use, unique ICT requirements, a variety of approaches to more interactive teaching methods.
Whilst these points might seem a problem, rather than take up space, the right classroom furniture can create space. From choosing the right frame type, or size of tables, to good configuration of seating and lighting.
There is no given way to design a classroom but versatile furniture and creative planning can come together, to make best use of spaces large or small.
Support From Morgan Stewart
Classrooms hold much more than furniture. Flooring, storage, decoration, electrical facilities, or IT cabling need to be part of effective design. Morgan Stewart consider and manage every aspect.
Your input is equally important and helps dictate the process. As each room is unique, so is each school, or college, along with their thoughts on quality of teaching.
Our role is to bring practical quality, to make the classroom you imagine reality. Through design experience, wide knowledge of educational furniture and our professional installation team.
You arrive at the classroom you want because Morgan Stewart Interiors share your aim. An educational environment that stimulates students, a space transformed.
Examples of our classroom furniture installations