Many elements of business storage are heading towards a paper free, cloud solution. This can’t however apply to all aspects and a number of businesses have reasons to require physical corporate storage solutions.
Organisation is the key to making this work. So your filing system is helpful, rather than frustrating, storage facilities to hand when needed, instead of in a different location.
Storage and filing systems are an integral part of business, they should be designed into processes, to offer convenience and increased productivity.
An Agile Environment
By clearly defining zones and tasks within an overall office plan, storage cupboards, or filing systems can be added in the right place. They can also be versatile in terms of function.
Pedestals, towers, double door cupboards, bookshelves, or cabinets can be deployed to exactly match tasks. They can be mobile to follow workflow, or modular to adapt quickly to business change.
Storage doesn’t need to look like storage, space can be incorporated into whiteboards, tables, planters, acoustic panels. Maximising organisational choices locally and serving multiple purposes.
Combined purpose frees up space, along with other uses for units which provide storage. They can act as dividers, screens, be floor to ceiling to create and use height, or act as work surfaces.
In the modern world of hot desking, or variable work locations, a storage unit can offer personal security and move around with you. The days of fixed, out of the way storage is giving way to storage by design.
Custom Corporate Storage Solutions
Sound relationships with leading suppliers, bespoke facilities and an excellent installation team allow Morgan Stewart to source and design corporate storage solutions which meet almost any practical need.
For example, this mailbox filing solution for a prestigious London corporate head office was custom built specifically for our client, enhancing their reception area, matching their other furniture and more importantly, adding to the overall impression visitors to the building feel when they enter.
Our designers will meet your precise requirements. By listening to you and surveying your working environment, they create user friendly, effective business solutions.
Where required, matching your existing office furniture in terms of finish, style and quality isn’t an issue. Thoughtful commercial interior design should use one to enhance the other.
Efficient corporate storage solutions are likely to remain a business need – at Morgan Stewart, we believe they should be elegant and efficient too.
If we can help, you are welcome to get in touch at any time.