As an incidental point, the buildings above were fitted throughout with Archiutti furniture and panels. The images on this page are examples, suited to a corporate environment.
Looking great is a start, although not the objective in itself. Investing in corporate interiors and furniture should be precisely that, an investment, which brings a bottom line return you can quantify.
The impression visiting clients, or business partners take away can matter, although supporting your own staff is key. Robots may kill us off in the end but for the foreseeable future, your staff are your business.
Staff Retention & Performance
Negative approaches are contagious, as are the opposite. If you are positive about investing in corporate culture, your employees will reflect this.
HR surveys show the reality, people don’t tend to leave because of the company, more often due to those overseeing them, or the environment they work in. The further reality is that your best staff are most able to leave.
Well planned, attractive interiors help stop this happening. Employees are motivated to stay, enjoy the facilities you provide and feel encouraged to work with each other.
Team Building & Communication
The relationship between behaviour and environment is well established, in terms of encouraging individual initiative and inspiring creativity. This counts for every business, although interaction can be as vital.
Staff mobility, team cooperation and communication don’t just happen, they depend on a planned workplace. They also arise from people feeling good about where they are and the places they use to share.
Aspects such as sound IT integration and multi functionality are part of this, although so are natural human emotions. Enjoying the place you are in and feeling this was created to recognise you is important.
Organizations who fail to lure talent, or have high rates of turnover perform poorly. Whilst multiple factors are involved, the working environment has far greater impact on staff retention than most.
Investing wisely in corporate furnishing is a profit centre, not a cost. Our designers talk to clients long after fitting out and the difference a fine place to work in has made to profitability is evident.